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How Does Sleeping Work in Minecraft Java Edition

A bed is a block that allows a player to sleep and to reset their spawn point to within a few blocks of the bed in the Overworld. If the bed is obstructed or removed, the player spawns at the default world spawning location.


  • 1 Obtaining
    • 1.1 Natural generation
    • 1.2 Breaking
    • 1.3 Crafting
    • 1.4 Trading
  • 2 Usage
    • 2.1 Sleeping
      • 2.1.1 Passing the night
      • 2.1.2 Setting the spawn point
    • 2.2 Bouncing
    • 2.3 Curing
    • 2.4 Placement
  • 3 Sounds
    • 3.1 Generic
    • 3.2 Unique
  • 4 Data values
    • 4.1 ID
    • 4.2 Metadata
    • 4.3 Block states
    • 4.4 Block data
  • 5 Advancements
  • 6 History
    • 6.1 Data history
    • 6.2 Bed "item"
      • 6.2.1 Appearances
      • 6.2.2 Names
  • 7 Issues
  • 8 Trivia
  • 9 Gallery
  • 10 References

Obtaining [ ]

Natural generation [ ]


A red bed naturally generates in each igloo.


Beds of various colors generate in village houses, depending on the specific structure and biome:

  • Desert village houses have cyan, green, or lime beds.
  • Plains village houses have white or yellow beds.
  • Savanna village houses have orange, red, or yellow beds.
  • Snowy taiga‌[ BE only ] and taiga village houses have blue or purple beds.
  • Snowy tundra village houses have blue, red, or white beds.

Breaking [ ]

Beds can be mined with any tool, or without a tool.

Block Bed
Hardness 0.2
Breaking time
Default 0.3

A bed also drops itself as an item when pushed by a piston.

Crafting [ ]

Ingredients Crafting recipe Description
Matching Wool +
Any Planks
The wool color must match. The planks can be different.
White Bed +
Matching Colored Dye
White beds can be re-dyed using dyes.‌[ Java Edition only ]
Any Bed +
Matching Dye
A bed of any color can be re-dyed using dyes.‌[ Bedrock and Education editions only ]
Any Dyed Bed +
This removes the color from the bed.‌[ Bedrock and Education editions only ]

Trading [ ]

Journeyman-level shepherd villagers sell 1 of 16 beds for 3 emeralds as part of their trades.

Usage [ ]

Sleeping [ ]

The animation when falling asleep.

Beds are used by pressing the use item button while looking at the bed.

A player sleeps by using a bed during a thunderstorm, or at night (between 12542 and 23459 ticks in clear weather, when stars appear in the sky, or between 12010 and 23991 ticks in rainy weather). Attempting to use a bed at any other time results in the message "You can sleep only at night and during thunderstorms"‌[ JE only ] or "You can only sleep at night".‌[ BE only ] A player sleeps in a bed for 101 in-game ticks, or 5.05 seconds before the time skips to the next day. Sleeping in a bed with the /gamerule doDaylightCycle set to false results in the player being kicked out of the bed after the 101 ticks, but does not change time of the world to day.

Sleeping in a bed is possible only in the Overworld. Attempting to sleep in a bed in the Nether, the End, and custom dimensions in which they are disabled causes it to explode and set fire to surrounding blocks; unless if /gamerule respawnBlocksExplode is set to false.‌[ PE only ][ upcoming: BE 1.17.20] [1] The explosion has power 5, which is stronger than TNT (4), but not as strong as a charged creeper or end crystal (6). The explosion centers on the head part of the bed. Villagers can sleep normally in any dimension without the bed being blown up.[2] Upon death from a bed explosion, the message "(Player) was killed by [Intentional Game Design]" appears.

The player must be close to the bed to sleep. If the player is close enough to click on the bed, but not close enough to sleep in it, the message "You may not rest now, the bed is too far away"‌[ JE only ]/"The bed is too far away"‌[ BE only ] appears. A player must be within 2 blocks of the bed in Java Edition or 3 blocks in Bedrock Edition to use the bed.

If a "monster" is within 8 blocks of the bed horizontally (in the X- and Z-axis), and 5 blocks vertically (in the Y-axis), the message "You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby" appears and the player is prevented from sleeping until the monsters leave or are killed. Most hostile mobs, as well as some neutral mobs prevent players from sleeping, as shown in the table below.

Mob Prevent the player from sleeping
Blaze Yes
Chicken Jockey When hostile‌[ JE only ]Yes‌[ BE only ]
Creeper Yes
Drowned Yes
Endermite Yes
Enderman When hostile
Ender Dragon No
Evoker Yes
Ghast No
Giant Yes
Guardian , Elder Guardian Yes
Hoglin No
Illusioner Yes
Killer Bunny No
Magma Cube No‌[ JE only ]Yes‌[ BE only ]
Piglin No
Piglin Brute Yes
Pillager Yes
Phantom Yes
Ravager Yes
Shulker No
Silverfish Yes
Skeleton , Skeleton Horseman , Stray , Wither Skeleton Yes
Spider , Cave Spider , Spider Jockey Yes
Slime No‌[ JE only ]Yes‌[ BE only ]
Vex Yes
Vindicator Yes
Witch Yes
Wither Yes
Zoglin Yes
Zombie , Zombie Villager , Husk Yes
Zombified Piglin When hostile‌[ JE only ]Yes‌[ BE only ]

If the player has not entered a bed or didn't die for 3 in-game days, phantoms can spawn unless /gamerule doInsomnia is set to false. in Java Edition, this can be verified by checking if the "Time Since Last Rest" statistic is greater than 1.00 h.

A hostile mob can wake a player that is sleeping.

The player also cannot sleep in a bed occupied by another player, resulting in the message, "This bed is occupied".

A player can, however, sleep in a bed being used by a villager. The player may first wake the villager (pressing use on the villager) and then quickly enter the bed before the villager can lie down again. The villager reclaims the bed after the player wakes. The villager is kicked out of its bed when a player attempts to sleep there.

A player also cannot sleep while on fire, while poisoned, or while starving.

If all sleeping requirements are met and the player enters a bed, the player is positioned in the bed. The player falls asleep as the screen fades to black. In Bedrock Edition, the sleeping animation slowly lowers the player into bed.

Once all players in a world are asleep, after 5 seconds (100 ticks) the time of day changes to sunrise. (time 0)

During this time, the chat window is focused, and the player can leave the bed by clicking the Leave Bed button.

Waterlogged beds‌[ Bedrock Edition only ] cannot be slept in unless the player or villager has the Water Breathing or Conduit Power status effects. Attempting to use a waterlogged bed otherwise does not display any message.[3]

Beds displaying an error above the hotbar is a feature exclusive to beds; other blocks that cannot be used do not display such a message.[4]

When a player wakes up, if there is two blocks or more space above the bed then the player can wake up on the bed. If there is less than two blocks above the bed and there is space on the side then the player wakes up on the side. If there is no space on the side of the bed and there is less than two blocks above the bed then the player still wakes up on top of the bed, but suffocates if it's a solid block.

Villagers always wake up on top of the bed, meaning they can suffocate if there isn't enough room above the bed.

Passing the night [ ]

Sleeping changes the time of day to sunrise and resets the weather cycle, changing the weather to clear conditions. ‌In Java Edition 1.18‌[ upcoming ], the weather cycle is only reset if it is currently raining or snowing. The player wakes up next to the bed, facing the bed.

Sleeping does not accelerate processes that take place over time such as the growth of crops or smelting. If /gamerule doDaylightCycle is false, the player instead wakes up in the night.

To skip the night in multiplayer, all players in the Overworld must be in bed at the same time. Pressing the Leave Bed button is not necessary in this case. The percentage of players that need to sleep to skip the night can be customized with the game rule playersSleepingPercentage[ JE only ].

Villagers are unable to skip the night by sleeping in beds, unlike players.

If the bed is destroyed while the player is in it, due to for example an explosion or by another player, the player wakes prematurely and the night does not pass.

Setting the spawn point [ ]

Once a player has entered a bed (or right clicked the bed during daytime), their spawn point is set to the location of that bed. In Java Edition, multiple players can set their spawn point on a single bed. In Bedrock Edition, the last player to use a specific bed is the only player who can respawn there, and players who had previously slept there respawn at the world spawn.

Using a bed in the daytime likewise sets the spawn point, without actually entering the bed.

When a bed explodes, it does not set the spawn point.

The message "Respawn point set" is displayed in chat when the respawn point is successfully changed.

The check for a bed is made only when the player respawns. This means that the bed can be destroyed and replaced or even reoriented, but as long as there is a bed present in the same location, the player can respawn there. If a player's bed is absent, or if the area around the bed is made unsuitable for respawning (see below), a message is displayed saying You have no home bed or respawn anchor, or it was obstructed, and the player respawns at the world spawn point.

When choosing where to respawn the player, the northwesternmost (lowest X- and Z-coordinates) location of the seven blocks adjacent to the head of the bed is chosen first. If this location is obstructed, the next choice is to its south (+Z), rather than the east (+X). Only when all seven locations around the head are obstructed are the three remaining ones adjacent to the foot then to be considered.

For a location to be unobstructed, the block at the level of the bed must be air or non-solid (e.g. torches, but not glass) and there must be a space with a solid block below it and two non-colliding blocks for the player to stand in 0-2 blocks below the bed. It does not matter if the bed itself has blocks above it. Putting a slab one block above a bed can act as a two block tall space, as the bed is half a block tall. The bed never spawns the player on or directly below itself even if all other locations are obstructed. If a bed is obstructed, the player's spawn point is cleared after they respawn. That is, even if the bed is subsequently made usable again, the player continues to respawn at the world spawn until interacting with the bed again.

Specifically, when interacting with it, the location of the head of the bed is saved as the spawn point, and if a bed is in that space (whether it is the foot or the head) then the respawn works. This can be observed by reorienting the bed with its head in the same location. Interacting with it does not produce a "Respawn point set" message as the game doesn't change the saved spawn point. If a bed is reoriented so that its foot is in this space, it still functions on the next respawn, but it can also be interacted with to update the spawn point to the new head of the bed and cause a "Respawn point set" message. Attempting the reverse, reorienting the bed so that it overlaps the original location of the foot, results in a respawn at world spawn. However, the location of the foot of the bed is also saved. If the bed is moved so that part of it overlaps the original location of the head, it can be observed that the same locations need to be obstructed to stop spawning. It is possible to respawn 2 blocks away from the bed this way.

Bouncing [ ]

Falling onto a bed bounces the player with 66% strength – the bouncing-up velocity is 66% of the impact velocity. The player also takes 50% of normal fall damage.

Baby villagers bounce on beds during the day.

If the player is falling while sleeping requirements are met, and presses use on a bed within reach before hitting the ground, the fall damage is delayed until the player wakes.

A player can bounce on a bed while another player or villager is sleeping on it without waking the player or the villager up.

Villagers can be pushed onto beds, as the bed is half a block tall.

Curing [ ]

Each bed in the vicinity of a zombie villager has a chance to speed up the process of curing the zombie villager. Iron bars (such as in a prison cell) also have this effect.

Placement [ ]

Beds require two blocks of floor space. Placement requires at least 2 blocks from the player's facing direction. When placed, the foot of the bed is placed on the block selected and the head of the bed on the block farther away from the player. In Bedrock Edition, beds require solid blocks below them when placed. However, the bed remains in place if its supporting blocks are later removed. In Java Edition, beds do not require supporting blocks and can be placed anywhere, provided there is enough room.

Sounds [ ]

Generic [ ]

Java Edition:

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation key Volume Pitch Attenuation
Block broken Blocks Once the block has broken block.wood.break subtitles.block.generic.break 1.0 0.8 16
None [sound 1] Blocks Falling on the block with fall damage block.wood.fall None [sound 1] 0.5 0.75 16
Block breaking Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken block.wood.hit subtitles.block.generic.hit 0.25 0.5 16
Block placed Blocks When the block is placed 1.0 0.8 16
Footsteps Blocks Walking on the block block.wood.step subtitles.block.generic.footsteps 0.15 1.0 16
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

Sound Source Description Resource location Volume Pitch
? Blocks Once the block has broken dig.wood 1.0 0.8
? Blocks Falling on the block with fall damage fall.wood 0.4 1.0
? Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken hit.wood 0.23 0.5
? Blocks Jumping from the block jump.wood 0.12 1.0
? Blocks Falling on the block without fall damage land.wood 0.18 1.0
? Blocks Walking on the block step.wood 0.3 1.0
? Blocks When the block is placed use.wood 1.0 0.8

Unique [ ]

Java Edition:

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation key Volume Pitch Attenuation
Explosion ? Explosions created by this entity.generic.explode subtitles.entity.generic.explode ? (<1.0) 16

Data values [ ]

ID [ ]

Java Edition:

Name Resource location Block tags (JE) Item tags (JE) Form Translation key
White Bed white_bed beds beds Block & Item block.minecraft.white_bed
Orange Bed orange_bed beds beds Block & Item block.minecraft.orange_bed
Magenta Bed magenta_bed beds beds Block & Item block.minecraft.magenta_bed
Light Blue Bed light_blue_bed beds beds Block & Item block.minecraft.light_blue_bed
Yellow Bed yellow_bed beds beds Block & Item block.minecraft.yellow_bed
Lime Bed lime_bed beds beds Block & Item block.minecraft.lime_bed
Pink Bed pink_bed beds beds Block & Item block.minecraft.pink_bed
Gray Bed gray_bed beds beds Block & Item block.minecraft.gray_bed
Light Gray Bed light_gray_bed beds beds Block & Item block.minecraft.light_gray_bed
Cyan Bed cyan_bed beds beds Block & Item block.minecraft.cyan_bed
Purple Bed purple_bed beds beds Block & Item block.minecraft.purple_bed
Blue Bed blue_bed beds beds Block & Item block.minecraft.blue_bed
Brown Bed brown_bed beds beds Block & Item block.minecraft.brown_bed
Green Bed green_bed beds beds Block & Item block.minecraft.green_bed
Red Bed red_bed beds beds Block & Item block.minecraft.red_bed
Black Bed black_bed beds beds Block & Item block.minecraft.black_bed
Name Resource location
Block entity bed

Bedrock Edition:

Bed Resource location Numeric ID Form Translation key
Standing bed 26 Block
Item bed 355 Item
Name Savegame ID
Block entity Bed

Metadata [ ]

In Bedrock Edition, beds use the following data values:

Lowest two bits value Facing
0 Head facing South
1 Head facing West
2 Head facing North
3 Head facing East
Bit flag Meaning
0x4 When 0, the bed is empty
When 1, the bed is occupied
0x8 When 0, the foot of the bed
When 1, the head of the bed
DV Description
0 White Bed
1 Orange Bed
2 Magenta Bed
3 Light Blue Bed
4 Yellow Bed
5 Lime Bed
6 Pink Bed
7 Gray Bed
8 Light Gray Bed
9 Cyan Bed
10 Purple Bed
11 Blue Bed
12 Brown Bed
13 Green Bed
14 Red Bed
15 Black Bed

Block states [ ]

Java Edition:

Name Default value Allowed values Description
facing north east
The direction the head of the bed is pointing.
The same direction the player faces when placing the bed.
occupied false false
True when a player or villager is using the bed.
part foot foot
The half of the bed in the current block.

Bedrock Edition:

Name Default value Allowed values Description
facing_bit 0 0
The direction the head of the bed is pointing.
The same direction the player faces when placing the bed.
head_bit false false
If the current block is the head part.
occupied_bit false false
True when a player or villager is using the bed.

Block data [ ]

A bed has a block entity associated with it that holds additional data about the block.

Java Edition:

  • Block entity data

Bedrock Edition:

See Bedrock Edition level format/Block entity format.

Advancements [ ]

Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resource location
Advancement-plain-raw.png Sweet Dreams
Sleep in a bed to change your respawn point Adventure Lie down in a bed. The advancement is granted as soon as the player is in the bed, even if the player does not successfully sleep. adventure/sleep_in_bed

History [ ]

Java Edition Beta
November 26, 2011 Originally, crying obsidian was intended to act as a block to reset spawn points, until beds were introduced.
1.3 Red Bed JE1 BE1.png
Red Bed (item) JE1 BE1.png Added beds.
The only color for beds is red.
Sleeping in an area potentially exposed to monsters can cause players to wake up early, with a skeleton or zombie spawned next to them.
Trying to sleep in a bed in the Nether does nothing.
1.4 Sleeping in a bed now resets the player's spawn position, though it does not work for most users. Apparently, at the moment, the spawn point unintentionally changes only if Leave Bed is clicked and the function is limited to multiplayer.
1.4_01 Beds now act as a respawn point as intended.
1.6 Test Build 3 Trying to sleep in a bed in the Nether now causes the bed to explode.
1.7 As blocks now pull textures from the expected places for model application, this has resulted in the bed texture shifting downward in terrain.png. No visual difference has resulted for the actual bed.
Java Edition
1.0.0 Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4 Bed explosions in the Nether now light nearby blocks on fire.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5 The bottom textures of bed have been changed to the texture of the new oak planks from Red Bed JE1 (facing NWU).png to Red Bed JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6 Beds no longer spawn monsters, instead, trying to sleep when monsters are around displays a message saying You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby.
1.2.4 release Cats while in standing position now purposely go and sit on beds.
1.5 ? Beds now check their biome for detonation rather than just their dimension.
1.8 14w29a Beds now display the cracking animation on top and bottom.
14w33a Beds now make sounds when placed, and plays logical sounds when stepped on and broken.[5]
1.9 15w43a A bed now generates inside igloos.
1.11 16w32a The messages "You can only sleep at night", "You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby", and "This bed is occupied" now appears on top of the hotbar, the place that the message "Press <whatever your sneak key is> to dismount" also appears when the player is riding a mob.
16w33a If the player is close enough to click on the bed, but not close enough to sleep in it, the message "You may not rest now, the bed is too far away" is now displayed.
1.12 17w06a Neutral zombie pigmen no longer prevent the player from sleeping in a bed.
March 13, 2017 Jeb mentions colored beds for 1.12.
17w15a White Bed JE1.png Orange Bed JE1.png Magenta Bed JE1.png Light Blue Bed JE1.png Yellow Bed JE1.png Lime Bed JE1.png Pink Bed JE1.png Gray Bed JE1.png Light Gray Bed JE1.png Cyan Bed JE1.png Purple Bed JE1.png Blue Bed JE1.png Brown Bed JE1.png Green Bed JE1.png Black Bed JE1.png Dyed beds have been added.
The former "Bed" has been renamed to "Red Bed".
Red Bed JE2.png The texture of red beds has been slightly changed. The top of the beds are no longer mirrored.
Beds now appear 3D in the inventory.
Red Bed JE3 (facing NWU).png Beds now have 3D legs.[6]
Beds have been made bouncy, though they do not completely reduce all fall damage.
Beds are now a block entity.
17w17a Red Bed JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png The four legs of a bed are now each textured separately, and their model is different.
White Bed JE2 BE2.png Orange Bed JE2 BE2.png Magenta Bed JE2 BE2.png Light Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png Yellow Bed JE2 BE2.png Lime Bed JE2 BE2.png Pink Bed JE2 BE2.png Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png Light Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png Cyan Bed JE2 BE2.png Purple Bed JE2 BE2.png Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png Brown Bed JE2 BE2.png Green Bed JE2 BE2.png Red Bed JE3 BE2.png Black Bed JE2 BE2.png
The textures of beds have now also been slightly changed.
1.13 17w47a Beds now require solid blocks below them, or they break into an item. Previously, a bed needed to be placed on solid blocks, but the blocks could later be removed.
18w07a Sleeping in a bed is now important to keep phantoms from spawning.
18w20a Players in creative mode can now sleep even if monsters are nearby.
18w22a Beds no longer require supporting blocks below them; they do not break into an item if said blocks are removed, and can be directly placed on top of non-solid blocks.
pre2 The "You can only sleep at night" message when using a bed has been changed to "You can sleep only at night and during thunderstorms."
1.14 18w43a White Bed JE3 BE3.png Orange Bed JE3 BE3.png Magenta Bed JE3 BE3.png Light Blue Bed JE3 BE3.png Yellow Bed JE3 BE3.png Lime Bed JE3 BE3.png Pink Bed JE3 BE3.png Gray Bed JE3 BE3.png Light Gray Bed JE3 BE3.png Cyan Bed JE3 BE3.png Purple Bed JE3 BE3.png Blue Bed JE3 BE3.png Brown Bed JE3 BE3.png Green Bed JE3 BE3.png Red Bed JE4 BE3.png Black Bed JE3 BE3.png

The textures of all beds have been changed.

Red Bed JE5 (facing NWU).png The bottom textures of beds have been changed to new oak planks texture.
18w44a Cats can now sleep in empty beds or sit on their owner when their owner is sleeping.
18w47a Red Bed JE6 BE3 (facing NWU).png The bottom textures of beds have been changed to the new oak planks to texture, once again.
18w48a Beds now generate in the updated plains villages.
18w49a Beds now generate in the updated savanna villages and the new snowy tundra villages.
18w50a Beds now generate in the updated desert and taiga villages.
19w08a All mobs can now sleep in beds using commands.
19w11a Villagers now claim beds and sleep in them during the night.
Shepherd villagers now sell beds.
1.15 19w35a If a player tries to sleep in a bed that is occupied by a villager, that villager is now kicked out of the bed.
19w36a Trying to sleep in a bed during the daytime now sets the player's spawn location to that bed.
pre2 Successfully changing a spawn point using a bed now displays a message in chat.
1.16 20w12a The message "Your home bed was missing or obstructed" has been changed to "You have no home bed or respawn anchor, or it was obstructed" due to the addition of the respawn anchor, used to set the player's spawn in the Nether.
1.16.2 20w30a Beds now prioritize the side of the bed the player or villager entered from and then spaces circling around the foot of the bed up to the head of the bed.
1.17 20w51a Added gamerules for sleeping in multiplayer.
Upcoming Java Edition
1.18 21w44a Sleeping now only resets the weather cycle if it is currently raining or snowing.[7]
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.4.0 Red Bed JE1 BE1.png
Red Bed (item) JE1 BE1.png Added beds.
v0.5.0 Beds can now be obtained after activating the nether reactor.
v0.9.0 build 1 Beds no longer restore health in normal difficulty, making food a more required survival-needed resource.
Added smooth lighting to beds.
v0.11.0 build 8 The lighting on beds has been improved.
v0.12.1 build 1 Tamed ocelots while standing now purposely go and sit on beds.
Beds are no longer available from the nether reactor.
v0.16.0 build 1 Beds now make a sound when placed, identical to blocks like stone.[8]
Pocket Edition
1.0.0 alpha Beds are now generated in igloos.
alpha Leave Bed 1.0.jpg The Leave Bed button now has a new texture.
alpha Sleeping now ends weather.
1.1.0 alpha White Bed JE2 BE2.png Orange Bed JE2 BE2.png Magenta Bed JE2 BE2.png Light Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png Yellow Bed JE2 BE2.png Lime Bed JE2 BE2.png Pink Bed JE2 BE2.png Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png Light Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png Cyan Bed JE2 BE2.png Purple Bed JE2 BE2.png Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png Brown Bed JE2 BE2.png Green Bed JE2 BE2.png Black Bed JE2 BE2.png

White Bed (item) BE1.png Orange Bed (item) BE1.png Magenta Bed (item) BE1.png Light Blue Bed (item) BE1.png Yellow Bed (item) BE1.png Lime Bed (item) BE1.png Pink Bed (item) BE1.png Gray Bed (item) BE1.png Light Gray Bed (item) BE1.png Cyan Bed (item) BE1.png Purple Bed (item) BE1.png Blue Bed (item) BE1.png Brown Bed (item) BE1.png Green Bed (item) BE1.png Black Bed (item) BE1.png Added the other 15 colors of beds.

The former "Bed" has been renamed to "Red Bed".
Red Bed JE3 BE2.png The texture of red beds has been slightly changed.
A new animation when sleeping has been added to beds.
Beds in igloos are now white in ice plains and brown in cold taigas.
Beds now bounce the player two blocks up, and have 3D legs.
Placement, stepping and breaking sounds for beds are now correctly wooden.[8]
Bedrock Edition
1.4.0 beta Beds can now be waterlogged and require Water Breathing to sleep in.
beta Colored beds can now be turned into white beds by adding bleach. This works only if Education Edition features are turned on.
1.6.0 beta Sleeping in a bed is now important to keep phantoms from spawning.
1.8.0 beta Cats can now sleep in empty beds or sit on their owner when their owner is sleeping.
1.10.0 beta Various beds now generate in the new villages.
Villagers can now sleep by occupying a bed, which prevent players from using it.
Igloos now generate with red beds.
Beds are now used to count the number of available houses in villages.
White Bed JE3 BE3.png Orange Bed JE3 BE3.png Magenta Bed JE3 BE3.png Light Blue Bed JE3 BE3.png Yellow Bed JE3 BE3.png Lime Bed JE3 BE3.png Pink Bed JE3 BE3.png Gray Bed JE3 BE3.png Light Gray Bed JE3 BE3.png Cyan Bed JE3 BE3.png Purple Bed JE3 BE3.png Blue Bed JE3 BE3.png Brown Bed JE3 BE3.png Green Bed JE3 BE3.png Red Bed JE4 BE3.png Black Bed JE3 BE3.png The textures of all beds have been changed.
1.11.0 beta Beds can now be bought from shepherd villagers.
1.13.0 ? Players now succeed in attempting to sleep on villager-occupied beds, kicking the villager off.
1.16.0 ? The ID has been changed to "(color)_bed".
Legacy Console Edition
TU1 CU1 1.00 Patch 1 1.0.1 Red Bed JE1 BE1.png
Red Bed (item) JE1 BE1.png Added beds.
TU12 Cats in standing position now purposely go and sit on beds, preventing players from using them.
TU43 CU33 1.36 Patch 13 The sleeping animation while in beds has been changed.
TU54 CU44 1.52 Patch 24 1.0.4 White Bed JE2 BE2.png Orange Bed JE2 BE2.png Magenta Bed JE2 BE2.png Light Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png Yellow Bed JE2 BE2.png Lime Bed JE2 BE2.png Pink Bed JE2 BE2.png Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png Light Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png Cyan Bed JE2 BE2.png Purple Bed JE2 BE2.png Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png Brown Bed JE2 BE2.png Green Bed JE2 BE2.png Black Bed JE2 BE2.png

White Bed (item) BE1.png Orange Bed (item) BE1.png Magenta Bed (item) BE1.png Light Blue Bed (item) BE1.png Yellow Bed (item) BE1.png Lime Bed (item) BE1.png Pink Bed (item) BE1.png Gray Bed (item) BE1.png Light Gray Bed (item) BE1.png Cyan Bed (item) BE1.png Purple Bed (item) BE1.png Blue Bed (item) BE1.png Brown Bed (item) BE1.png Green Bed (item) BE1.png Black Bed (item) BE1.png Added the other 15 colors of beds.

The former "Bed" has been now renamed to "Red Bed".
Red Bed JE3 BE2.png The texture of red beds has been slightly changed.
Beds are now dyeable and bounce the player two blocks up, and have a single 3D legs.
TU60 CU51 1.64 Patch 30 1.0.11 The sleeping animation in beds has been changed again.
TU69 1.76 Patch 38 Sleeping in a bed is now important to keep phantoms from spawning.
Beds can now be waterlogged and require Water Breathing to sleep in.
1.83 The sleeping animation for beds has been reverted to how it was before 1.64.
1.91 Various beds now generate in the new villages.
Villagers can now sleep by occupying a bed, which prevents players from using it.
Beds are now used to count the number of available houses in villages.
Beds can now be bought from shepherd villagers.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0 Red Bed JE1 BE1.png
Red Bed (item) JE1 BE1.png Added beds.
1.9.19 White Bed JE2 BE2.png Orange Bed JE2 BE2.png Magenta Bed JE2 BE2.png Light Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png Yellow Bed JE2 BE2.png Lime Bed JE2 BE2.png Pink Bed JE2 BE2.png Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png Light Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png Cyan Bed JE2 BE2.png Purple Bed JE2 BE2.png Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png Brown Bed JE2 BE2.png Green Bed JE2 BE2.png Black Bed JE2 BE2.png

White Bed (item) BE1.png Orange Bed (item) BE1.png Magenta Bed (item) BE1.png Light Blue Bed (item) BE1.png Yellow Bed (item) BE1.png Lime Bed (item) BE1.png Pink Bed (item) BE1.png Gray Bed (item) BE1.png Light Gray Bed (item) BE1.png Cyan Bed (item) BE1.png Purple Bed (item) BE1.png Blue Bed (item) BE1.png Brown Bed (item) BE1.png Green Bed (item) BE1.png Black Bed (item) BE1.png Added the other 15 colors of beds.

The former "Bed" has been renamed to "Red Bed".
Red Bed JE3 BE2.png The texture of red beds has been slightly changed.
Beds now bounce the player two blocks up and have 3D legs.
Education Edition
1.0 Red Bed JE1 BE1.png
Added beds.
1.0.1 White Bed JE2 BE2.png Orange Bed JE2 BE2.png Magenta Bed JE2 BE2.png Light Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png Yellow Bed JE2 BE2.png Lime Bed JE2 BE2.png Pink Bed JE2 BE2.png Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png Light Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png Cyan Bed JE2 BE2.png Purple Bed JE2 BE2.png Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png Brown Bed JE2 BE2.png Green Bed JE2 BE2.png Black Bed JE2 BE2.png

White Bed (item) BE1.png Orange Bed (item) BE1.png Magenta Bed (item) BE1.png Light Blue Bed (item) BE1.png Yellow Bed (item) BE1.png Lime Bed (item) BE1.png Pink Bed (item) BE1.png Gray Bed (item) BE1.png Light Gray Bed (item) BE1.png Cyan Bed (item) BE1.png Purple Bed (item) BE1.png Blue Bed (item) BE1.png Brown Bed (item) BE1.png Green Bed (item) BE1.png Black Bed (item) BE1.png Added the other 15 colors of beds.

The former "Bed" has been renamed to "Red Bed".
Red Bed JE3 BE2.png The texture of red beds has been slightly changed.
Beds now bounce the player two blocks up, and have 3D legs.
1.0.27 Colored beds can now be turned into white beds by adding bleach.
1.12 White Bed JE3 BE3.png Orange Bed JE3 BE3.png Magenta Bed JE3 BE3.png Light Blue Bed JE3 BE3.png Yellow Bed JE3 BE3.png Lime Bed JE3 BE3.png Pink Bed JE3 BE3.png Gray Bed JE3 BE3.png Light Gray Bed JE3 BE3.png Cyan Bed JE3 BE3.png Purple Bed JE3 BE3.png Blue Bed JE3 BE3.png Brown Bed JE3 BE3.png Green Bed JE3 BE3.png Red Bed JE4 BE3.png Black Bed JE3 BE3.png The textures of all beds have been changed.

Data history [ ]

Java Edition
1.13 17w47a The different block states for the bed ID have been split up into their own IDs.
Prior to The Flattening, this block's numeral ID was 26, and the item's 355.

Bed "item" [ ]

The following content is transcluded from Technical blocks/Bed.

This section is missing information about Test placement sound, placed metadata and replacement capabilities.

Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.

Java Edition Beta
1.3 Beds have an extra item form corresponding to its block ID, which can be obtained via inventory editors with numeric item ID 26. It is not intended to be obtained in conventional gameplay.
Picking block will change the currently selected slot to any containing this otherwise-unobtainable bed item, but will not allow it to be obtained if not already in the hotbar.
1.6 Test Build 3 Bed items can be obtained from the newly added debug chests, mainly from the 26th slot of the 1st chest from the left, and the 10th slot of the 5th chest from the left.
release Debug chests no longer spawn, preventing bed items from being obtained this way.
Java Edition
1.2.5 pre Pick Block now returns the actually obtainable bed item.
1.3.1 12w16a Bed items can now be obtained in singleplayer worlds via the /give command using the respective numeric ID.
1.7.2 13w37a The direct item form of the bed block has been removed from the game. It can no longer exist as an item in any way, only as a placed block.
Pocket Edition Alpha
? Beds existed as an unobtainable item.
? Bed (bottom texture) JE1 BE1.png The bed item placed the bottom half of the bed.[9]
? The bed item places an invisible block with a huge hitbox.[10]

Appearances [ ]

Java Edition Beta
1.3 Bed (bottom texture) JE1 BE1.png The bed item uses this texture in inventories, when held in first or third person view or as a dropped item.
Java Edition
1.4.2 12w34a The bed item now uses the aforementioned texture when in an item frame.
Pocket Edition Alpha
? Bed (bottom texture) JE1 BE1.png The bed item uses this texture.[9]
Bedrock Edition
? Oak Planks (texture) JE4 BE2.png The bed item uses this texture.[11]

Names [ ]

Java Edition
  • Beta 1.3 - 13w36b: Bed
Bedrock Edition
  •  ? - ?: Bed [11]

Issues [ ]

Issues relating to "Bed" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.

Trivia [ ]

  • The reason beds explode in the Nether and the End is because Notch found it was the easiest solution to dimension-unique respawning.[12]
    • Dimension-unique respawning was eventually implemented via the respawn anchor, and gained command support at the same time. Despite this, beds will still explode in invalid dimensions, as will respawn anchors.
  • If the player quits the game while sleeping, upon return the player wakes up beside the bed.
  • Using the /teleport command while another player is sleeping still teleports the sleeping player, but the player wakes immediately.‌[ Java Edition only ]
  • If the player places a bed on ice, running over the bed acts like running over ice, similar to slabs.
  • Before differently colored beds were added, using all 6 planks and all 16 wool combinations, there were 3,456 different ways to craft a bed.
  • When placed using the /setblock command, only one half of a bed is placed, because beds are two blocks long. A single half can be slept in like a whole bed.
  • Villagers can sleep in the Nether and the End without causing the bed to explode.[13]
  • While the block state used to determine the half of a two-block block such as doors and double-tall flowers is called half, in the case of beds this is called part.
  • Players and villagers do not drown or take damage from lava while in a bed, even if the bed is covered in lava.
  • The red bed was the original default bed color. In Java Edition 1.12 and Pocket Edition 1.1.0 version of the game, the default color was changed to white.

Gallery [ ]

  • A sleeping player in multiplayer.

  • The message that can be seen after a failed attempt to respawn at the spawn point set by a bed.

  • A crater created by attempting to sleep in the Nether.

  • A crater created by attempting to sleep in the End.

  • The new bottom of the bed with 3D legs.

  • All the different color variants.

  • An unemployed villager and a butcher villager goes to sleep, unaware of the zombies outside.

  • The bottom of a bed.

  • Player being awakened by a zombie.

  • The message that can be seen when any players attempt to sleep during daytime (before 1.11).

  • A player going to sleep in a bed in the first day of Beta 1.3.

  • A bed in an abandoned village has its bottom half replaced by wheat crops.

References [ ]

  1. MCPE-28723 – "Exploding bed in the Nether" resolved as "Works As Intended". This is referenced in Java Edition when a player is killed by "Intentional Game Design".‌[ until BE 1.17.20]
  2. MC-146515 resolved as "Works As Intended"
  3. MCPE-35802
  4. MC-160479 resolved as "Works As Intended"
  5. MC-66347 – "Beds make incorrect sounds" resolved as "Fixed".
  6. MC-11963 – "bed hind legs not rendered" resolved as "Fixed".
  7. MC-63340 – "Sleeping always resets time until rain" – resolved as "Fixed"
  8. a b MCPE-10077 – "Incorrect sounds on beds" resolved as "Fixed".
  9. a b
  11. a b
  12. "duh" – @Notch on Twitter, May 11, 2020, in response to "So you're telling me the "Inteded Game Design" should actually be "Sorry, I was too lazy to code"?" – @NoahBandito on Twitter, May 11, 2020
  13. MC-146515 Resolved as Works As Intended

How Does Sleeping Work in Minecraft Java Edition
