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How Do You Get Mods for Minecraft Pocket Edition Ipad



Computer programs required
Cydia packages required
Recommended tools

Getting Started
Decrypting the app
Installing the decrypted app
Putting the decrypted app on your computer
Opening the decrypted app with IDA

Finding What to Mod
Finding the block list
Finding the static water ID
Finding the static lava ID
Opening the decrypted app with IDA

Saving your Mod
Changing the block ID's
Copying the edited binary app back to your device

Preparing the Game
Signing the application using ldone


Sharing your Mod

Patch and Mod Files
How to make patch files
How to use patch files
How to make mod files
How to use mod files


For many of you iOS users wondering how to make mods for Minecraft Pocket Edition, this guide will be all you need to start out in making your own mods! First let me start by saying a few words of advice before actually getting to the juicy parts. If you mess up your game because of this guide, that isn't my fault, I am simply informing you of how to make mods, I am not in any way responsible for your actions. Third, this guide ONLY WORKS WITH JAILBROKEN DEVICES.

After saying that I can now say there is a simple way to know if your ready to begin modding Minecraft Pocket Edition, simply ask yourself the questions below and think to yourself the truthful answer, if you can't answer 'Yes' to any of the questions, don't start modding just yet.

1. "Can I program and understand how programming works?"
2. "Do I have any knowledge in how applications work and are compiled?"
3. "Do I know how to read ARM instruction sets as if it were English?"
4. "Do I know what processor my iDevice uses off the top of my head?"
5. "Do I know how to check if my application is encrypted or not?"
6. "Do I have experience with hex editors and know how use them?"

If you answered 'No' to any of those questions, I would recommend you refrain from making your own mods, as you may be to inexperienced to understand. I'd suggest finding guides or reading up on the questions you got wrong before even considering how to make mods. Otherwise, if you have answered yes to all those questions, continue on reading.

One thing to remember is, this guide will work for more than just the mod I show you, this is how modders do their own mods as well!

Modifying Minecraft Pocket Edition would be impossible without any sort of tools. I am going to explain some required tools and some useful tools to use for making mods with.

• Computer programs needed:

IDA - IDA is a binary reader that allows you to read binary applications. While IDA Pro can cost in the thousands, the demo of IDA 6.2 is all you will need for this guide. You can download IDA Demo 6.2 for Windows, Mac or Linux here.

HxD - HxD is a hex editor and will allow us to edit the Minecraft app and add our mod to the app. You can download HxD here.

i-FunBox or iExplorer - These programs allow you to explore your iDevice when it's plugged in. This is needed for transferring the Minecraft Pocket Edition app to and from your computer. You can download i-FunBox here or iExplorer here.

• Cydia Packages needed:

Clutch - This package decrypts an application allowing you to read it using IDA. As a disclaimer, DO NOT DISTRIBUTE ANY APPS DECRYPTED WITH CLUTCH, Clutch is a program used for cracking apps, while our intent is not to distribute cracked apps, I am still warning you that it is illegal to distribute apps cracked using Clutch or any other app cracking utility. You can download Clutch from adding the repository:

Installous - This program allows you to install decrypted apps, which is the only purpose of using it in this tutorial. WARNING, DO NOT USE THIS APP FOR ANY ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR PARTITIONING IN PIRATING APPS. You can download Installous from adding the repository:

ldone - ldone (L done not i done) is a program that allows you to sign modded version of Minecraft Pocket Edition so you are able to play the game after modifying it. You can download ldone from adding the repository:

MCPEPatch - MCPEPatch is a program made by Intyre specifically for modding. Basically you type in the link to the .mod file and download it, then patch it or un-patch it as you please. You can download MCPEPatch from Intyre's reop at:

• Recommend tools:

MobileTerminal - MobileTerminal is an app the emulates a Terminal you would use on a computer. It is the equivalent to command prompt on iDevices. You can download it from the pre-installed BigBoss repository.

iFile or myFile - These apps are file browsers that let you explore and modify your devices filesystem.

If you can not find any of the packages specified in Cydia, set your status to Developer in the settings and re-search for them.

Getting Started
After you have downloaded and installed all the tools required, we can now begin the preparations of modding. If you bought Minecraft Pocket Edition from the Appstore or downloaded the demo, your application will be encrypted and needs to be decrypted before we can open it with our binary reader, IDA.

• Decrypting the app:
1. Open MobileTerminal
2. Type:


3. Terminal will prompt you for the root access password, if you have not set this password to anything else then type: alpine
4.Type clutch and hit the return key
5.If Minecraft shows up on the list, type the command:

clutch minecraftpe

• Installing the newly decrypted app:
1. Open iFile or myFile and go to /var/root/Documents/Cracked/ and copy the Minecraft IPA file
2. Navigate to /var/mobile/Documents/Installous/Downloads and paste the IPA in that folder
3. Run Installous and press the "Downloads" button
4. Press the Minecraft PE IPA file and wait for it to install

• Putting the decrypted app on your computer:
1. On your computer open and run either i-FunBox or iExplorer, whichever you chose
2. Navigate to /var/mobile/Applications and find the folder that contains
3. Open up the folder you found and find a file called "minecraftpe"
4. Copy "minecraftpe" to your computer

• Opening the decrypted app with IDA:
1. Run IDA Demo 6.2
2. Click "Ok" on the about screen
3. Click the "New" button
4. Find and open the "minecraftpe" file, you may have to set the type of files you see to "All files"
5. Set the "Processor type" to "ARM processors: ARM" and press the "Set" button

6. Press "OK" and wait awhile for the auto-analyze to finish (it says when it is done in the output box at the bottom)

Finding What to Mod
After you have gotten Minecraft Pocket Edition decrypted and open in IDA then you've done a good job, but now comes the hard part, finding what your going to mod. In this example I will be using 0.3.2 alpha and changing water to lava by switching waters block ID of "9" with the lava block ID of "B" (in hex).

• Finding the blocks list:

First what I'm going to do is go to the string table. In programming, a string is any form of text, a table is basically a list, so you can consider the string table to be a text list. The string table I'm going to use is where the yellow arrow points to in the gray section in the below picture. To go there, just click that area on the bar.

I'm going to scroll down a bit until I find a list of block names, which I eventually do, and what I find is the string for water.

Notice the purple text saying "DATA XREF:" and having two "sub_routine" offsets after it. A "DATA XREF" is when data in the app references another piece of data such as a string. Since we are looking for the block ID's the reference might be what we're looking for. Now you have to think for a minute, there are two references for water and two different water blocks, static and flowing. Flowing comes first, so the first reference will show you flowing water. Static is second, so the second reference is for static water.I'm going to go ahead and double-click the second reference.

• Finding the static water block ID:

After double-clicking the second reference from water will bring me to this:

The block name comes last in each method, so scroll up a bit, take note of the offsets on the far left side.

Now, don't feel intimidated when you see this, it's not very hard to read it actually, it is just a programming language. Here is an index of ARM instructions: link, here is a simple link to how ARM works: link. We don't need to know everything though for our goal, we just need to know that the ID for static water is 9 in hex, and the ID for static lava is B in hex, you can find other block ID's using the wiki.

The ID's for blocks are shown in ARM by always using the line "MOV R1, #ID", where ID stands for the block ID. What the line is saying is "Move the block ID to register 1" and it is like saying "x=9" in algebraic terms. After searching a bit in that area, I found where the game stores static waters block ID:

Now what we are going to do is highlight the "R1, #9" and click the "Hex View-A" tab at the top, ignore everything in the Hex tab except this green highlighted part:

Down at the bottom of the hex window it tells you the true offset for the green highlighted area:

Write down the offset on the left (000E31A0) anywhere you want. Do NOT write down the offset on the right (000E41A0) as that is the wrong offset.

Finding the static lava block ID:

If you've understood all of that then good! Now lets find the offset for where the lava ID is stored. By repeating the same steps you did to find the water offset, you can now find the offset for static lava's block ID (an easier way is to just scroll down a bit since lava's ID comes after water). Here I have found the static lava method:

After searching that area a bit I found where the game stores the block ID for static lava:

Once again I highlight the "R1, #B" and click on the "Hex View-A" tab, ignore everything once again except the green highlighted part:

Now we have to write down its true offset which we can find at the bottom of the Hex View window. Again, write down the offset on the left somewhere for future use, do NOT write down the offset on the right:

Now that we have our offsets, lets begin the actual modding part!

Saving your Mod
Saving your mod is more-of the easy part, all we have to do is edit the app using a hex editor at the offsets we saved from earlier. While opening the app in a hex editor may look like "gibberish," everything you see in the hex editor is a line of code use by the app, so do NOT edit parts you don't know anything about!

• Changing the block ID's:

Remember those offsets we wrote down? I had you write them down for a reason, because that is where we will have to go to edit the block ID's for our mod. First, lets open the "minecraftpe" file with our hex editing program HxD. Once you have opened the "minecraftpe" binary file in HxD click up at the top bar "Search→Goto..." and a dialog will open up:

Keep everything the same and make sure the hex radio button is selected (since our offsets are in hex). Type in the first offset (static water offset) we had from earlier and press "OK." The hex editor will jump to the offset and place the cursor where the offset is:

If the cursor is right before the '09', then without clicking anywhere else type '0B':

We have now replaced water with lava, but now there are two blocks with the same ID, and while this is okay, it is best to be safe and replace another block with the old ID, so lets go to "Search→Goto..." and type the second offset we saved into the box:

Clicking 'OK' will bring us to this:

Again, without clicking anywhere, type '09' like in the picture:

• Copying the edited file back to your device:

Now we are done with modding! All we have to do now is click the save button (or use CTRL-S) and copy the 'minecraftpe' binary back to the app (I use SSH, but what I am doing is copying the edited 'minecraftpe' and overwriting the 'minecraftpe' on the device):

We are not done yet though! Once you've copied the game to your device, you can not play the game until you have "signed" it, which I teach in the next section!

Preparing the Game
As part of Apple's security measures, every application installed on the device must be signed by Apple, otherwise the application will not run. Everytime you overwrite the binary file in an application, the application must be re-signed using a MobileTerminal command called "ldone" (one of the required tools downloaded earlier).

• Signing the overwritten Minecraft PE Binary using ldone:
1. Open MobileTerminal
2. Gain root access using the command: su and typing your password (by default the password should be alpine unless you have changed it)
3. navigate to the file using the command:

cd /var/mobile/Applications/*/

4. Sign the application using the ldone command:

ldone minecraftpe -s

5. Set the permissions for the minecraftpe binary using the command:

chmod 755 minecraftpe

6. Set the owner of the application by using the command:

chown minecraftpe

After all of that, you are now ready to play!

Every time you make a mod you should test it, just like how every time programmers make a program they have to test it to make sure it works. If the game doesn't start or the game crashes on start-up, there could be four things wrong:

1. You did not sign the game correctly
2. You did not set the permissions
3. You modified something that shouldn't of been modified
4. Something else was damaged

If you can not get your game to play, simply delete the "minecraftpe" binary and replace it with the backup version, otherwise re-install the game.

If your game does start, see if the mod you created did anything different. For me, my mod worked as I wanted it do, water is now lava!

I went ahead and did another block switch in a later mod and changed grass into Diamond ore!

Have fun playing your modded game!

Sharing your Mod
Sharing your mod is important too, since after all, sharing is caring! To share your mods, there is a really simple post format you can use that will tell other modders what you did.

1. Write down what the mod does, if it's a anaglyph mod, tell others that.
2. (optional) show a picture of the mod so others can see what it does.
3. Write down the offset for the mod
4. Write down what you changed

Here is an example of how I would share my water to lava mod:

I found a mod that lets you change water into lava!

The offsets are 000E31A0 (static water) and 000E33D8 (static lava)

Here is what I changed for static water:

              09 10 A0 E3


              0B 10 A0 E3

Here is what I changed for static lava:

              0B 10 A0 E3


              09 10 A0 E3

Patch and Mod Files
*.patch files are simple mobile terminal commands put into one file, the equivalent of Window's *.bat files. It is an easy way to share your mods and use them without needing any external program.

• How to make patch files
1. Download my patch program
2. Enter the offset of the mod in the offset box
3. Enter the hex for the mod in the hex box
4. Click "Add"
5. Repeat for as many different mods you want
6. Go to File→Save and click "Save"
7. Choose a name and save the file

It is important you test your patch files before releasing them!!

• How to use patch files
This requires you have mobileTerminal and ldone from Cydia. You can find the repo's here.

1. Copy the patch file to "/usr/bin/" on your device
2. Using MobileTerminal type: su
3. Type in your root's password, if you haven't changed it, the default is password: alpine
4. Type:

chmod +x /usr/bin/*.patch

(you only need to do this once for each new patch)
5. Type: (patchname).patch
6. When the patch says "Done!" then you can press the home button and play your modded app!

• How to make mod files
1. Download my mod program
2. Enter the offset of the mod in the offset box
3. Enter the hex for the mod in the hex box
4. Click "Add"
5. Repeat for as many different mods you want
6. Go to File→Save and click "Save"
7. Choose a name and save the file

It is important you test your mod files before releasing them!!

• How to use mod files
This requires you have MCPEPatch and ldone from Cydia. You can find the repo's here.

1. Using MCPEPatch go to the "Downloader" section and type the link to the mod in the box
2. Click the "Download" button to download the mod to your patch list
3. Select the mods you want to patch in the Patcher section and click "Apply patches"
4. To un=patch a mod, select it and press "Apply patches" again

Thanks to Intyre, DarkFurry5, 500 Internal Service Error, snowbound and even OSX2000 for support and help.

May I please ask you do not quote this whole guide, re-distribute it and refrain from asking questions without thinking first. What you see here is what you get, I do not plan on updating this guide.

(holy crap, did I seriously write all this!? If only my English papers were this good...I'd have passed with an 'A'!)

How Do You Get Mods for Minecraft Pocket Edition Ipad
